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Dear Church,

The Massachusetts Council of Churches stands united with Christians across the country sending our prayers and support to the communities and individuals impacted by the acts of domestic terrorism in Charlottesville, Virginia. Guided by our Christian values, we name white supremacy as idolatrous, replacing our love for God with a deification of whiteness. We name anti-Semitism as a perversion of God’s all-encompassing love and covenant with the Jewish people.

As Christians, we have a tradition of examination, confession, and repentance. As we denounce the events outside our state and institution, we are also called to look within:  examine, confess and repent. We renew the commitment we made last November, and invite you to join us as we:

  • seek to identify and eradicate white supremacy from within our own institution,
  • listen to the pain within the Body of Christ and prioritize the most vulnerable parts,
  • and work to build a network of diverse Christians devoted to mutual need and delight in one another

We invite you to join Rev. Daryl at the NAACP and Black Ministerial Alliance of Greater Boston Community Debrief & Action Meeting  on Tuesday August 15, 6-8pm at Roxbury Presbyterian Church, 328 Warren St, Roxbury MA.

More events are being planned. We will be in touch again this week with more information on how churches and communities are responding across the Commonwealth, and opportunities for joint witness. Please, share your stories with us of what you are organizing in your

We give thanks for this community, and ask you to hold us and one another in prayer, as we do for you.

In hope,

Rev. Laura Everett
Executive Director, Massachusetts Council of Churches
